CAML/ACBM members work in organizations that support musical activities in Canada, including libraries, archives, conservatories, and universities. The organization aims to support all aspects of music librarianship in Canada, including research and scholarship, and to cooperate with other national and international organizations concerned with music.
Why Join?
Your membership allows you to participate in CAML/ACBM activities, such as the annual conference at a reduced rate, as well as opportunities to apply for awards or funding, and shaping the future of the association. The dual CAML/ACBM – IAML membership allows further international networking opportunities through reduced registration at the annual IAML conference and subscription to the quarterly journal Fontes artis musicae.
CAML/ACBM offers two types of membership: Dual CAML/ACBM - IAML & CAML/ACBM only. See the information below for information on the benefits of each. The membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. For additional help please contact Membership Secretary Becky Smith.
Membership Type & Benefits
- Discounted registration at CAML/ACBM conference
- Receive CAML/ACBM’s membership directory
- Hold office on the CAML/ACBM Board
- Eligible to apply for CAML/ACBM awards
- Eligible to apply for CAML/ACBM Research and Professional Development Scholarship
- Receive the quarterly international journal Fontes artis musicae
- Voting privileges in international IAML elections
- Discounted registration at IAML conference (not applicable to Institutional members)
- Access to IAML’s online membership directory
- Discounted registration at CAML/ACBM conference
- Receive CAML/ACBM’s membership directory
- Hold office on the CAML/ACBM Board
- Eligible to apply for CAML/ACBM awards
- Eligible to apply for CAML/ACBM Research and Professional Development Scholarship
Dual CAML/ACBM-IAML Membership
CAML/ACBM Only Membership

Would you like to donate to CAML/ACBM?
Donations will go toward the CAML/ACBM awards fund, which supports the professional activities
of our members, namely conference attendance, research, and conference presentations.

University of Toronto
Music Library
Edward Johnson Bldg
80 Queens Park,
Toronto, ON, M5S 2C5